Starting from April 19, 2025, new customs clearance regulations come into effect, significantly changing the approaches to client representation by customs brokers. LLC “PENTADA GROUP” offers comprehensive solutions for customs clearance in compliance with the new legislative requirements, obtaining authorized...
The XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Project Management: Project Approach in Modern Management” took place in Odesa. The scientific and practical conference traditionally brought together leading experts from Ukraine and abroad to discuss topical issues of project management in times of war,...
In today’s world, where international trade is the driving force behind economic development, simplifying customs procedures is becoming increasingly important. One of the tools that can significantly speed up and simplify customs clearance of goods is the granting of the status of ‘authorised consignor’ and...
On 07.11.2019, the Law of Ukraine dated 02.10.2019 No. 141-IX ‘On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on Certain Issues of Functioning of Authorised Economic Operators’ came into force. The Law was developed to fulfil Ukraine’s obligations under the Association Agreement with the European Union and the World...
On 9 April, the State Customs Service, with the support of the Public Finance Management Programme in Ukraine (EU4PFM), held a seminar on the transition to NCTS Phase 5. The main event of the seminar was the presentation of IT solutions that businesses can use to submit transit declarations in NCTS Phase 5, as this […]
The current state of development of foreign economic relations reveals a wide range of new business opportunities. The customs legislation of Ukraine is on the way to being improved, thus providing an opportunity to enjoy special benefits and simplifications. Here is a brief overview of the application of the “Release...
New business opportunities have opened up since Ukraine started using the international NCTS system. The most important ones are obtaining and using transit simplifications under the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure. We propose to consider one of the most popular transit simplifications “Use of a general...
Use of general guarantee under NCTS Having received a special transit simplification for work with NCTS – “use of the general guarantee”, PENTADA BROCK company became a full member of the Common Transit Convention. The use of a general financial guarantee is the main way of ensuring transit movements in the...
Results of the first six months of international application of NCTS: almost 3,000 registered transit declarations and 25 authorizations for the application of transit simplifications.