
General warranty: new opportunities for your business in the NCTS system


New business opportunities have opened up since Ukraine started using the international NCTS system. The most important ones are obtaining and using transit simplifications under the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure. We propose to consider one of the most popular transit simplifications “Use of a general guarantee”.

Main advantages:

  • One guarantee means several transit operations;
  • Reduced time costs;
  • Reducing cash costs;
  • Applies to all types of goods.

There are the following types of general warranty:

  1. General warranty;
  2. General warranty with a 50 percent reduction;
  3. General warranty with a 30 percent reduction;
  4. Exemption from warranties.

Thus, the general guarantee allows you to reduce the funds that will need to be reserved in the customs authorities’ account for the guarantee, and even get an exemption from the guarantee.

The main criteria for authorizing the use of transit simplifications are:

  • Compliance with the requirements of the customs and tax laws of Ukraine, as well as the absence of any criminal prosecutions;
  • At least 50 issued T1s in the last 12 months / or Ensuring practical standards of competence or professional qualifications of the responsible official of the enterprise.

It should be noted that the simplification “Use of a general guarantee” is available not only for brokers and carriers, but also for the subjects of the procedure. This simplification opens up new opportunities for the company to provide its services.

Today, the demand and interest in obtaining this simplification is growing rapidly, as all goods placed in the common transit regime are subject to guarantee!

At the same time, we would like to remind you that our specialists provide a wide range of consultations in the preparation and process of obtaining a certain type of simplification. For more information, contact us today!