
PENTADA GROUP LLC at the XV International Conference on Project Management in Odessa

Consulting, News

The XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Project Management: Project Approach in Modern Management” took place in Odesa.

The scientific and practical conference traditionally brought together leading experts from Ukraine and abroad to discuss topical issues of project management in times of war, the use of digital technologies and energy efficiency. The conference was held at the Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

The event was organised with the support of Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the international charitable foundation ‘Friends of Ukraine Foundation’, the logistics company ‘Octopod Shipping Company’, Zammler Ukraine and the multidisciplinary company ‘Secret Service’.

Our company, PENTADA GROUP LLC, also took part in the event. We had an opportunity to present our activities, exchange experience with representatives of the Ukrainian business and get new skills and ideas from foreign experts.

Конференція Ліля

The head of PENTADA GROUP LLC emphasised the scope of our company’s consultancy services, namely

We help you to obtain the status of an Authorised Economic Operator and a set of simplifications/authorisations granted by the State Customs Service, if you have a positive history and appropriate qualifications.

These ‘simplifications’ allow you to

  *carry out customs formalities without the direct involvement of customs, using the company’s infrastructure

  *independently apply seals and organise loading and unloading operations on the company’s territory without visiting the customs terminal

  *Send and receive goods under a single set of documents verified by EU countries

  *store goods in a warehouse with the possibility of deferring customs duties for up to 4 months.

And this is only a small part of the set of convenient options that significantly save time and money for companies and have already brought results in similar facilities.

It is worth noting that we have outlined the main advantages of obtaining AEO status and “simplifications” in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 141-IX of 02.10.2019 “On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on Certain Issues of Functioning of Authorised Economic Operators” for Ukrainian business. The benefits of using transit simplifications under the Convention on a Common Transit Procedure were also highlighted.

All participants had the opportunity to ask relevant questions and receive meaningful answers.

On behalf of PENTADA GROUP LLC we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the organisation of the conference ‘Project Management: Project Approach in Modern Management’. This event has become an important event for us, which allowed us to

  • Expand our professional knowledge;
  • Make new business contacts;
  • Exchange experiences.
Конференція Ліля1

We would like to emphasise the interesting programme, the high level of professionalism of the speakers and the convenient format.

We are confident that this conference will make a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian business and help it adapt to new conditions!
